Thursday, June 18, 2009

Weekly Goals

I have been thinking a lot about my goals this week. I struggled a little bit deciding what I would do because I am having a "girl's weekend" with friends I only see once a year. Call me crazy, but I don't want to announce (or even appear) to be on a diet. Maybe it is just me, but I like to see (and have other people see) some results before I announce my change to a healthy lifestyle. Am I alone in this kind of behavior?

So, my goals for this week are the following:

Drink Water - I plan on drinking a gallon of water a day. I have done this a few times in the past 10 years (I called it the "Gallon Challenge") and it worked really well once I got past the first few days.

Walk to Work - I live ridiculously close to where I work (1/2 mile). In the year I have lived at my house, I have NEVER walked to work. This means I will have to wake up earlier to get to work on time, but it will help get me moving and incorporate activity in to my daily life.

Record My Food - I am not going to count calories or anything like that this week, but I do want to write down what I am actually putting in my mouth. I really think this will help (as least for this modified week).

Exercise - I am going to exercise at least three times (not including my walks back and forth to work) this week. It doesn't matter if it is at the gym, a workout video, or a brisk walk around my neighborhood. I just need to get MOVING!

Cook My Own Food - I don't ever cook (I am terrible at it!) so I usually eat junk food or purchase fast food. If I do eat an actual meal, it is because I was invited somewhere to dinner. So, I am going out on a big limb by saying I will cook one healthy meal this week (scary!!!).

Whew, that last goal exhausted me so I think I will stop right there. :) Although these goals may appear to be baby steps to some, it is a good jumping off point for me.


Beth @ Kitchen Minions said...

Great goals! Cooking once is awesome, a good way to ease your way into it! (says the girl who never cooks either) As for walking to work, when I'm healthy I walk to work, books on tape(or mp3) help a lot. It really makes that time 'me time' that I really enjoy.

Mary said...

In my case I don't like telling my friends that I'm on a "diet" because I've only said it to them 200 different times since middle school. I'd rather just let them tell me that I've lost weight :>

Cooking -- I've only started cooking and bringing my own lunch box to work lately and I actually quite like it!!
It started with lunch boxes, and then breakfast, and now I even want to go home for dinner cuz its easy (once you cook a meal a day the rest feels pretty much the same) and saves me money$$~~!

Unknown said...

Thanks for finding me! :) I love to cook and seeing how your a scared-e-cook hehe Why not try EASY stuff?? I am all about easy! I hope to help ya out and get you cookin! :)tj

missy said...

Let me give you an easy idea for cooking a healthy meal: frozen boneless, skinless chicken breasts. You don't even have to thaw them...just pop them into the oven straight from the bag, sprinkle some form of Mrs. Dash seasoning on them, and less than an hour later you've got chicken! Toss a salad, cut some strawberries, and you're good to go.


Katie J ♥ said...

Great idea Missy! There are a BAZILLION ways to cook chicken too! Look thru a healthy cookbook and see what sounds good to you and isn't too hard and just go for it. One thing that I think is crucial for cooking is a meat thermometer. That way you know you have cooked it properly. I think it is great you are setting goals. I envy you on the water thing! It makes me burp just thinking of all that water. Goal setting has really helped me achieve my goals so far. I have to come up with some new ones now =)

Katie J ♥ said...

P.S. I am the opposite actually. I will tell anyone who will listen so I keep myself accountable

Heather said...

not crazy at all. when I lost all this weight, I only told like 1 person that I was doing it. sometimes I think things are private and you dont want people to make comments about what you are eating,etc. Just do your best - it sounds like you have a great plan in place so I know you will be able to be successful.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

These are AWESOME goals! You've inspired me to continue my streak from last week and to cook another healthy meal this week! I may shoot for two meals! :)