Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Healthy You Challenge Check In

I lost 1.6 pound this week and I have to say I am a little disappointed in myself. I could say a pound is a pound (trust me, I am glad the scale is moving down), but I know that I didn't really stay on plan very well this week. In fact, I think that is my problem, I don't really have "a plan" yet.

So, here is what I am going to try to do consistently. On Tuesdays, I will weigh in and report my {loss} . . . gotta think positive. On Wednesdays, I will post my new goals for the week. I am still trying to figure out the best "plan" so for now I will adjust it weekly.

Although I didn't have a big weight loss (my own fault, of course), I still feel like I am winning the fight against obesity. Because, I KNOW I can do this. It is true that I am slowly getting on the band wagon, but I am still doing it. I am not quitting because I am not meeting (or exceeding) my expectations. That is a huge win for me due to my "all or nothing personality." So, don't give up on me yet. I have a lot of fight left in me.


missy said...

I love the fact that week by week you'll reevaluate. Great idea! I also LOVE the last line of your post...I want that attitude!

Dani @ PFL said...

One pound is GREAT!

I didn't start out with a set plan either, simply pledging to make better choices. Eventually, as I became more of aware of my body's needs and read a plethora of available information about nutrition, I slowly started forming guidelines but have never boxed myself into a plan.

You live. You learn. You do.

It's an organic thing, ever adapting! Don't sell yourself short because you don't have "a plan". But certainly make those weekly goals and set those guidelines! Sounds like a great idea to me!

Best of luck to you this week! =)

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

I'm sorry you're disappointed. I'll just have to be happy for you! :) You don't have to be perfect; you just need to make progress. Way to go on your progress!

Heather said...

I think thats fantastic! It takes me like 3 months to lose a pound. I know I know, its all relative and I do get how frustrating it is when you work hard, want to see results and see them fast and it doesnt happen like that. but dont get discouraged or disapointed. just figure out what your "plan" may be and run with it. and if its not right, then adjust it and create a new plan. all those pounds will add up to great losses. towards the end of meeting my goal, I was only losing like .5 a week but eventually I got there and I wouldnt have traded it for anything.

Mary said...

I think you are doing great and ANY loss is always good!! And it sounds like you have been losing consistently too!!! Celebrate! Be proud of yourself :> I think you are doing awesome!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I'm happy for your loss and am doing a happy dance for you. It can be slow, just make healthy choices every day and the scale will continue to move downward.
Path to Health

The Fluffy Mommy! said...

I just stumbled across your blog, and I love it. I am on a large (larger than yours) weight loss journey and am looking for women who understand my position! I hope to hear back from you, and will be checking in, check out my blog i'd love to hear from you! :)