Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Healthy You Challenge Check In #4

So . . . I maintained. To some this may be a huge bummer. But I know how I ate this week and I am thanking my body for maintaining. In fact, I think it is quite amazing. I didn't even move a tenth of a pound in either direction. I am a little OCD so I have to weigh myself at least three times so I know I for sure got the right weight. Does anyone else do this?

Anyway, I need to be more accountable. I have been trying to figure out how I can do this. So, I am asking a favor. I am going to post every day. And every day I am going to include what I am eating (at least until I get in the groove). Now, the favor - {please} hold me accountable. My posts will be boring, but I am hoping it will really help me. Stay tune . . . will I eat tuna fish or chicken. Oh the mystery of it all. ;)


Beth @ Kitchen Minions said...

This is a great idea! We're here for accountability! Do you log in at daily plate or sparkpeople? They are free programs and help with figuring out the calories in and the calories out.

I'm trying to find a way to link my sparkpeople food diary to my blog for accountability. Either way, writing it down is so helpful! (in a ohmygosh, did I eat THAT much today) sort of way...

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

When I journal what I eat, I find myself saying NO to junk. I don't want to have to write it down. And I'm committed to writing it ALL down. :-)
Path to Health

Anonymous said...

I fought recording my food for years but at the beginning of this journey, I finally gave in and truly, I feel the process of writing down my food (or recording it in fitday which I eventually started doing) was key to me losing.

It not only helped me stay accountable (to myself more than anyone) but it helped me evaluate what worked and what I needed to change. My way of eating has been an evolution over the last 18 months or so. I couldn't have started out eating as I'm now eating - and recording the process and learning from it has been critical to my success.

Good luck with recording your food. Don't worry about it being a boring exercise. Do it for you. You are worth it.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! Thanks for stopping by my blog <3 Blogging does help being accountable, so don't worry about being boring! It's not boring for those who are on the same train!

Heather said...

nothing wrong with maintaining! sure, a loss is always nice, but it definitely is better than a gain. I think posting every day will be great and hold you accountable.

Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Oh dear, I'm going to be up at night wondering if you're sprouting fins or feathers! :)

Kudos to you for taking a stand!