Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Healthy You Challenge Check In #3

I was shocked when I weighed! I actually lost 1.4 pounds. I am not sure exactly how that happened, but it did. I, for one, am not going to complain. This is the motivation I needed, even if it doesn't make any logical sense.

So my goals for this week are the following:
* Exercise five days (cardio all five days and strength train for two)
* Drink eight bottles (about 16 fl. oz. each) of water a day
* Keep a food journal
* No eating after 7 p.m.

Okay, I can do this! I am actually pretty excited about it.


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Awesome job on the loss! I know you can do this, too.

Heather said...

great job! that is a fantastic loss. I think your goals for the next week are great, so heres wishing you another great week!

Beth @ Kitchen Minions said...

Wow! Great loss! Also, fabulous goals!