Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Healthy You Challenge Check In #2

So, I weighed . . . I cried . . . I got mad . . . I pouted . . . and I am now trying to get over it. The scale said that I weighed 232.6. That equals exactly a 2 pound gain. Grrrr! But who do I hold responsible for this? My work, my fat genes, stress etc. Myself, and only myself, is to blame. So I am getting back on the wagon. I can win the fight. Yes, I had a major slip up right at the get go. But I can do this . . . I will do this!


Beth @ Kitchen Minions said...

I hate the weeks when there is a gain, just keep with the healthy choices. Every week has slip ups. Good Luck! I'm with you though, I haven't lost weight in about a month. I'm not sure why. And I hate it! But I guess it's about moving forward...Good Luck, you aren't alone!

Sandy Hentzel said...

Gains stink, but you have to look a the big picture and I think you have the right attitude. Keep up the good work and the pay-off is soon to follow...You Healthy and Fit!!!

Hang in there.