I have been thinking a lot about my goals this week. I struggled a little bit deciding what I would do because I am having a "girl's weekend" with friends I only see once a year. Call me crazy, but I don't want to announce (or even appear) to be on a diet. Maybe it is just me, but I like to see (and have other people see) some results before I announce my change to a healthy lifestyle. Am I alone in this kind of behavior?
So, my goals for this week are the following:
Drink Water - I plan on drinking a gallon of water a day. I have done this a few times in the past 10 years (I called it the "Gallon Challenge") and it worked really well once I got past the first few days.
Walk to Work - I live ridiculously close to where I work (1/2 mile). In the year I have lived at my house, I have NEVER walked to work. This means I will have to wake up earlier to get to work on time, but it will help get me moving and incorporate activity in to my daily life.
Record My Food - I am not going to count calories or anything like that this week, but I do want to write down what I am actually putting in my mouth. I really think this will help (as least for this modified week).
Exercise - I am going to exercise at least three times (not including my walks back and forth to work) this week. It doesn't matter if it is at the gym, a workout video, or a brisk walk around my neighborhood. I just need to get MOVING!
Cook My Own Food - I don't ever cook (I am terrible at it!) so I usually eat junk food or purchase fast food. If I do eat an actual meal, it is because I was invited somewhere to dinner. So, I am going out on a big limb by saying I will cook
one healthy meal this week (scary!!!).
Whew, that last goal exhausted me so I think I will stop right there. :) Although these goals may appear to be baby steps to some, it is a good jumping off point for me.